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Online dermatology imprint

The developer and operator of the "Online Dermatology" mobile application and dermatological diagnostic system is MedInnoScan Research and Development Ltd.
The company has been operating since 2017 and is based in Budapest, Hungary. Its tax identification number is 25889396-2-43, and its company registration number is 01-09-294655.

The name of the application is "MedInnoScan," and it is available for download on Apple App Store, Android Play Store, and Huawei AppGallery.

Private online dermatological services can be purchased on this website, and then accessed using the application (by logging in with the same email and password). The payment transaction is processed by Saferpay (a subsidiary of Worldline Group, the largest payment service provider in Western Europe and the fourth largest in the world). Neither we nor Saferpay store credit card information.

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